#Second Amendment

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2 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Trump Receives NRA Endorsement, Urges Gun Owners to Be Rebellious and Vote'

Former President Donald Trump urged gun owners to vote in the 2024 election and emphasized the importance of the Second Amendment. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
1 month ago

California law bars non-residents from carrying a gun. Does that violate the Second Amendment?

Gun rights group sues California over out-of-state gun carrying ban, citing Second Amendment violation. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
4 months ago

Judge known for gun-friendly rulings bars California from requiring ammunition background checks

A federal judge in Southern California has blocked the state's ammunition background check from being enforced.
The judge ruled that the law requiring a background check for every purchase of ammunition violates the Second Amendment and the Constitution's dormant Commerce Clause. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
4 months ago
Los Angeles

Defying California law, Shasta County supervisors vote to allow concealed weapons in local government buildings

The Shasta County Board of Supervisors in California voted to allow concealed weapons in local government buildings, defying state gun laws that ban guns in sensitive places.
The board considers the state gun law unconstitutional and believes it infringes upon the people's right to bear arms. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
4 months ago

Judges put new California law barring guns in many public places on hold again

A new California law that prohibits licensed gun holders from carrying firearms in public places has been blocked once again.
Opponents of the law argue that it infringes on their right to self-defense guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment. [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

"Unconstitutional": Hunter Biden cites 2nd Amendment in request dismiss gun charges

Hunter Biden's attorney argues that the gun charges against him are unconstitutional under the Second Amendment.
Attorney Abbe Lowell claims that Hunter Biden should have immunity from this case and recently filed tax charges in California. [ more ]
5 months ago

Court Allows New York to Prohibit Guns in Sensitive Places

A federal appeals court in New York has ruled that the state can ban permitted gun owners from carrying concealed weapons in public spaces.
This is the first ruling from a federal appeals court to address the scope of the Second Amendment following the Supreme Court's broader interpretation. [ more ]
#Supreme Court
Slate Magazine
5 months ago

The Supreme Court's Conservatives Need to Throw Clarence Thomas Under the Bus

Justice Clarence Thomas's version of originalism was criticized as unworkable and inconsistent with the Second Amendment.
The Supreme Court is likely to reverse the decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit in favor of Rahimi. [ more ]
6 months ago

The Supreme Court's Search for a More Attractive Gun Rights Case

Justice Amy Coney Barrett referenced a person named Bryan Range during a Supreme Court hearing on the Second Amendment and domestic abusers.
Bryan Range challenged a federal law prohibiting people convicted of felonies from owning guns, while Zackey Rahimi was challenging a law prohibiting domestic violence offenders from having guns.
Justice Barrett and her colleagues appeared inclined to reject Rahimi's challenge, while considering Range's case a more sympathetic vehicle to address the larger question. [ more ]
moreSupreme Court
#California law
6 months ago

Attorney General James Backs Law on Large-Capacity Gun Magazines

New York Attorney General Letitia James has joined a coalition of attorneys general to support a California law restricting large-capacity gun magazines.
They argue that these magazines make weapons more deadly and can lead to mass-casualty events. [ more ]
Brooklyn Eagle
6 months ago

Attorney General Letitia James leads coalition to uphold gun magazine restrictions

New York Attorney General Letitia James is supporting a California law that restricts large-capacity gun magazines by joining a coalition of 19 attorneys general.
The coalition argues that the law is a reasonable and constitutional restriction and that large-capacity magazines are not protected by the Second Amendment. [ more ]
moreCalifornia law
6 months ago

Oregon Judge Rules That Voter-Approved Gun Control Law Violates The State Constitution

A judge has ruled that a voter-approved gun control law in Oregon violates the state constitution, continuing to block its implementation.
The law requires criminal background checks and gun safety training in order to obtain a firearm permit, and bans high-capacity magazines.
The decision is likely to be appealed and may ultimately go to the Oregon Supreme Court. [ more ]
New York Post
6 months ago
US politics

Biden DOJ defends ban on drug users owning guns - as Hunter faces comparable charge

President Biden's Justice Department is supporting the ban on gun ownership for drug users.
The case could have implications for Hunter Biden's similar case.
Gun-rights activists argue that marijuana users should be allowed to own guns. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
6 months ago
US politics

The dismissed case was among hundreds of similar ones federal prosecutors have filed in Chicago

A federal judge in Chicago ruled that the statute barring felons from possessing handguns is unconstitutional, throwing multiple cases into legal limbo.
The ruling contradicts recent rulings by other district judges upholding the felon-with-firearm law.
The U.S. attorney's office has appealed the ruling and the case will be considered by the 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. [ more ]
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